Highly Trained In Diagnosing And Treating Moles

Moles are quite common and it is normal for adults to have 10-40 moles on their skin. Moles begin to appear on the skin in childhood or as a teenager and may continue to grow or change appearance over time. Some moles may darken and some may lighten as you age and these changes are typical. Moles can form anywhere on the body, such as on the scalp, between fingers and toes, palms of hands, soles of feet and under fingernails and toenails.



There are many different types of moles. Most moles appear like brown spots on the skin that stay the same shape and size. Normal moles can appear:

  • One uniform color – brown, black, red, pink, tan or skin-colored
  • Round or oval in shape
  • Well defined border 
  • Flat or slightly raised
  • Smaller than a pencil eraser
  • May or may not have hair 
  • Does not change


When examining your own skin, it is important to know the ABCDEs of melanoma so that you recognize any subtle changes that should be brought to the attention of your dermatologist.  

  • Asymmetry – mole is not round or symmetrical when divided in half
  • Border irregularities such as scalloped or raised edges
  • Color – uneven distribution of colors black, brown and tan, and if a mole has multiple colors 
  • Diameter – greater than 6mm (the size of a pencil eraser) 
  • Evolving – changing in size, color or shape over time as well as bleeding, itching or crusting

Symptoms That
Require Examination

If you have a mole that seems unusual, or has begun to change recently, you should contact our office as soon as possible at our Danville location (434)792-0423 or our Colonial Heights location (804)805-8442. When in doubt get it checked out! Some symptoms that may indicate a mole should be examined by an expert are:

  • Begins to itch
  • Begins to cause pain either when touched or by clothing that gently brushes over it
  • Oozing
  • Crusting over
  • Bleeding 
  • Swelling of the mole or the skin around the mole

Diagnosing and Treating Moles

Dermatologists are highly trained in diagnosing and treating moles. A mole can usually be removed in one office visit. There are several reasons patients may want a mole removed. If it is bothersome or painful when it rubs against clothing, if the mole makes the patient self-conscious or is unattractive and, last, but not least, if a mole is suspicious. For noncancerous moles, there are several options for removal and your dermatologist can help determine which option will be the best for you. Some different removal techniques include:

  • Excision – using very small surgical tools, the dermatologist can cut the mole off removing only a small margin of skin. A local anesthetic will be used to minimize patient discomfort.
  • Shave removal – similar to excision, the mole will be removed in layers until it is completely gone. A local anesthetic will be used to minimize patient discomfort.
  • Freezing – moles that grow on the uppermost surface of the skin can be removed with liquid nitrogen.
  • Laser mole removal – laser mole removal therapy utilizes intense bursts of light radiation to destroy the mole tissue. This technique may take more than one office visit to achieve; however, laser mole removal is effective in places that are hard to reach such as the ears.
mole removal

If you have a mole or moles that are bothering you, or you would like to have a consultation about mole removal, Complexions Dermatology is here to help. After a consultation with one of our experienced providers, we will help you determine the best option for mole removal while giving special consideration to the size, type and location of the mole. Most moles can be removed in one office visit and the procedure requires minimal recovery. Call us today at our Danville location (434) 792-0423 or our Colonial Heights location (804) 805-8442 to schedule your consultation at Complexions Dermatology.

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Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm